Tuesday 17 December 2013

The Absurd Nerd Reviews: Ira Losco ‘The Fire’

Rating: ☯☯☯☯☯ out of 5

I’m known amongst my group of friends as the unluckiest person when it comes to competitions and bets. I never won anything in my life, not even back in school. So imagine my surprise when I won a signed copy of local artist Ira Losco’s fourth studio album The Fire. I spent about two hours travelling from the comfort of my bed (and onesie), climbed to the EIGHT FLOOR to the Eden offices only to sit down for five solid seconds while I signed my name, and then had to go down the same eight floors. (In case you were wondering why I didn’t use the lift, it’s because I have a mild claustrophobia). By the end of the journey, I felt like I was wearing boots made out of rock.

But it was so worth it. Just as I assumed, the album was great. It has a more mature and edgier sound than her three previous albums. And it also has a fair balance between rock and softer melodic songs. I grew up listening to her music, and have always been a big fan of hers, so I feel like I can relate to her songs. 

1.       The Way It’s Meant To Be
2.       What I’d Give *
3.       Is This The Love?
4.       Waiting
5.       Shouldn’t Have To Bother
6.       You Never Tried
7.       Me Luv U Long Time *
8.       Not For Me
9.       Dead or Alive (Save My Soul)
10.   The Person I Am *
11.   The Fire
* singles so far

Favourite Tracks:
[*] You Never Tried. The lyrics tell a story of heartbreak and how easy people may think it is to 'keep your chin up' and face the world with a brave smile when it actual fact it isn't, which is something I go thorugh every day of my life.
[*] The Person I Am. This song describes my ongoing battle with insecurity and lack of self-confidence, which is why it is another favourite of mine. Listening to this song in repeat whenever I feel down really helps me think.

The album is out now.

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