Monday 27 January 2014

(Take note): 9 Things I'd Love For My 20th Birthday

I'm turning the big 2-0 in exactly 13 days (so mark your calendars!) and despite having just about enough possessions, I can always dream and long for more, so here are 9 things I would love for my birthday

1. Trip to Liverpool

By now everyone on my social media life (and outside) knows that I have a special love for Liverpool. Before you jump to conclusions, it's not because of the football team. From a young age I knew my all-time favourite band was born and raised there, which makes Liverpool the capital city of music. So far I've only dreamt of going there. I might eventually move there if I become a well-established writer with money to throw away because let's face it, putting aside all the landmarks related to The Beatles, the place is perfect for me.

2. New phone
This is a feeling I always seem to have whenever I get used to the current phone. Since my online life seems to be far more elaborative than my normal life, I find myself urged to download apps that suit my needs, but the majority of these apps can't be installed on my lousy Nokia C3.

JIBCON (short for Jus In Bello Convention) is a yearly convention of my favourite TV series, Supernatural, held in Rome in May. Passes, even the 'cheapest' ones, aren't at all cheap. And passes always sell out within the first few hours they are released.

4. Vinyl records
My collection is very limited (and rare) and seeing as this was how people in the older days listened to music makes me want to have more. Because... well, just because!

5. Free makeover
It's never not time for a new makeover, especially when its free.

6. A weekend alone in a cottage in the middle of the forest
The ultimate dream. I'd write several novels while there, surrounded by nothing but the sound of nature.

7. 1955 Ford Thunderbird Custom
This has been my dream car ever since I knew what a custom Ford was (alongside the 1967 Chevrolet Impala for obvious reasons).

8. Unlimited tea supply
Tea. Tea. Tea. TEA. I'm probably the biggest tea person you'll ever encounter.

9. Books, books, books
You can never have too many books.

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